Helping with Your Money Worries
Because London Plus Credit Union is a not for profit co-operative, we are committed to helping our members find a way forward if they are struggling to meet there loan re payments. People's circumstances change throughout their lives and it is important that we are here to support, guide and offer solutions where possible.
We believe that there is a strong difference between a ‘won’t pay’ and a ‘can’t pay’ member. We will then enforce all measures to exhaustively recover monies where members have decided simply to stop paying and this will include legal action along with direct deductions from income. However, We will work tirelessly to support our members who find themselves in genuine financial difficulty.
What you can do
- Contact us as soon as you know that you may have difficulty making a payment
- Use this popular Budget Planner to better understand where and how you spend money
- Let us accurately assess how much of a reduced payment you are realistically able to manage
- Keep to a method and repayment plan or advise us if this has become impractical asap
- Chose a method of communication that you are comfortable with, such as by Phone, Text messaging, email or letter.
- Chose a repayment method that you are comfortable with, such as Standing Order, Direct Benefit, payroll Deduction, Ping it, Card payments in person or via our website.
- Keep us updated on new contact details and respond quickly to any messages we send
- Seek the help of not for profit advice agencies if there are a number of different creditors or if your circumstances are such that you are unable to offer any payment.
What we will do
- Discuss your money worries in a sympathetic and sensitive manner
- Establish the extent of your financial difficulty and work with you to assess your repayment capability
- Agree a plan on the method of repayment and frequency
- Agree a review date that is comfortable with you
- Refer you to a not for profit advice agencies if there are a number of different creditors or if your circumstances are such that you are unable to offer any payment
Debt Management Resources
We strongly urge you not to be led into making an arrangement for debt Management plans through organisations that are there to further take advantage of your predicament and charge monies to review your financial options. The links below are for reputable not for profit’ dedicated agencies that are Government funded to help people who are experiencing financial difficulty.