Credit Builder Loans
To be eligible for our Credit Builder Loans of £500 - £1,000 you must:
- Have a direct payment coming to us
- Have in excess of £150pw income.
- Have an ambition to improve your credit report.
- Understand that the funds are not accessible until it has been repaid in full.
Maximum Loan Term :
Disclaimer: this calculator is for illustrative purposes only, to give you, the borrower, an overview of the potential cost of borrowing. Please note that this calculator only provides an indicative quote and actual repayments may vary.
Online Application Process
The online application will take roughly 15 minutes. As part of the process, we will ask for some information like your address history, your employment situation, and your current household income & expenditure.
- Apply Online
- Loan Decision
- Offer & Agreement
- Payment

Not a Member?
We serve our members by providing a safe and secure place to save their hard-earned money while providing access to affordable loans. London Plus CU offer members the chance to have control over their finances by making their own savings work for them.
If you fit our membership criteria, join us today!